
Group Final Project for Enterprise Software course at Arizona State University

Primary LanguageJava


Final project for SER215, at ASU University


First To Four


Authors: Sophia Yu, Cal Kothrade, Yves Koulidiati, Brian McKeown (Group 13)

Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University SER215: Software Enterprise: PSP Fall 2016, B Session

Run instructions:

  • Make sure you have the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) installed on your computer. Visit java.com to install this if you don't already have it.

  • Option 1: Run the FirstToFour.jar file.

  • Option 2: Run in your IDE. Make sure the following files are in your "src" folder:

    • Grid.java
    • GridButton.java
    • GUI.java
    • GUITEST.java
    • Main.java
    • Player.java
    • Token.java
    • TurnCount.java
    • black.png
    • blank.png
    • blue.png
    • green.png
    • logo.png
    • orange.png
    • purple.png
    • red.png

Game Instructions:

  • The purpose of this game is to be the first player to place four pieces in a row on the gameboard.
  • This can be either vertical, horizontal, or diagonal.
  • Players will take turns.
  • If no one reaches four in a row before the board is filled, the game will be declared a draw.
  • Use the DROP buttons to place pieces.

Video Demo:


Code Review:
