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Hellobooks API

Hellobooks API is a library management API. It keeps track of books in a library and users who interact with the library. It also facilitates the borrowing of books. Users also have the ability to create user accounts which accords them privileges. The complete functionality and with the respective endpoints is listed below.

API Functionality

Endpoint Functionality HTTP method
/api/books Add a book POST
/api/books/book_id modify a book’s information PUT
/api/books/book_id Remove a book DELETE
/api/books Retrieves all books GET
/api/books/book_id Get a book GET
/api/users/books/book_id Borrow a book POST
/api/auth/register Creates a user account POST
/api/auth/login Logs in a user POST
/api/auth/logout Logs out a user POST
/api/auth/reset-password Password reset POST

How to run this application

  • Pre-requisites: Python 3.6
  • Clone this repository git clone
  • Set up a virtual environment. virtualenv is recommended
  • Install the apps dependencies by running pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Open a terminal and cd into the cloned repository
  • Run python


  • Postman can be used to send requests to the app.
  • The app takes requests in JSON and responds in JSON.
  • Authentication is needed to interact with the endpoints.
  • To authenticate, send a JSON request in the form {"email":"", "password":"my_password"} to the /api/auth/register endpoint. To login send the same data to the /api/auth/login endpoint. You will then be issued with an access token that lasts 15 minutes.
  • For a password reset, make sure you are first logged in and then send the new password to the reset endpoint.
  • The app accepts the following book attributes: book_id, book_title, publisher, publication_year, edition, category, subcategory, description
  • An example JSON request is:
  "book_id": 101, 
  "book_title": "Ready Player One", 
  "publisher": "Random House",
  "publication_year": "2011",
  "edition": "1",
  "category": "fiction", 
  "subcategory": "science fiction",
  "description": "A book about virtual reality"

How to run the tests

  • Nose is recommended. Run nosetests in the apps main directory

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