Movie App - YearOne challenge- Frontend

This portion of the app is a part of a take home challenge for YearOne


Live Demo here using Surge Note: The backend is hosted on Heroku and requires time to spin up, if the server has gone to sleep. The first search will typically be really slow. I need to add a loading spinner to notify the user that the application is loading.

Video Demo on Loom.

Main Page

Search Results

Movie Details

Run Locally

Please note, this app will make requests to http://localhost:3001 if the environment variable: REACT_APP_BASE_URL is not configured.

In order to run the backend, please see the backend repo.

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd yearone-challenge-frontend

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server

  npm run start

Tech Stack

Client: React

Server: Node, Express, PostgreSQL