
Calculate the cyclomatic complexity of the source code

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


image image


Calculate the cyclomatic complexity of the source code.

Current supported languages:


The tool is not published to Pypi, you can install it directly from source code.

pip install git+https://github.com/brian-villanueva/mccabe.git


You can use mccabe both as a CLI program and as a module in your program.


> mcc --help
Usage: mcc [OPTIONS]

  Calculate the cyclomatic complexity of the source code

  -V, --version              Show the version and exit.
  -d, --directory TEXT       The source code directory
  -f, --file TEXT            The source code file
  -m, --min INTEGER          The min threshold value
  -l, --language [py|go|js]  The source code language  [required]
  --help                     Show this message and exit.

For a single file

You can calculate the cyclomatic complexity for a single source file.

> mcc -l py -f tests/test_languages.py
    "tests/test_languages.py": 9

For multiple files under a directory.

You can also calculate the cyclomatic complexity for all files inside a directory, which leverages parallel computing.

> mcc -l py -d tests
    "tests/test_languages.py": 9,
    "tests/__init__.py": 0,
    "tests/test_provider.py": 4,
    "tests/test_cyclomaticc_complexity.py": 8,
    "tests/sources/py.py": 24

Set threshold value

You can set a minimun threshold value by using the -m flag.

> mcc -l py -d tests -m 5
    "tests/test_languages.py": 9,
    "tests/test_cyclomaticc_complexity.py": 8,
    "tests/sources/py.py": 24

Use in program

Also, you can load it as a module in your programs.

from mcc import get_provider_class
from mcc.languages import Lang

cls = get_provider_class(Lang.py)
ret = cls(file="test.py").run()



First, you need to clone the repo.

git clone https://github.com/brian-villanueva/mccabe.git

Install deps

Then install the requirements.

# first you may need to install poetry: https://python-poetry.org/docs/
pip install -U poetry

make deps

Check CI

Before commiting your code, you should check the code style and syntax.

make style ci

Extend language support

If you want to add other language support by tree-sitter like c++, just follow the steps:

  1. Run git submodule add https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-cpp.git vendor/tree-sitter-cpp

  2. Update build.py to add cpp support.

  3. Update languages.py add cpp enum.

     class Lang(str, Enum):
        py = "py"
        go = "go"
        js = "js"
        cpp = "cpp"
  4. Create new file cpp.py and write a class which inherit Mccabe.

    from mcc.providers import Mccabe
    from mcc.languages import Lang
    class MccabeCpp(Mccabe):
        suffix = ".cpp"
        language = Lang.cpp
        judge_nodes = [...]

That's all! You can now calculate the cyclomatic complexity of cpp source files!


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.