We recreated a shell from scratch, with a minishell tester included, using only our own library (libft) and a limited range of external functions.

Primary LanguageC




We have recreated a shell from scratch, with a minishell tester included, using only our own library (libft) and a limited range of external functions.

Minishell is compatible with macos and linux. Tester is compatible with linux only, tested on 42's virtual machine.


$> git clone https://github.com/42f/MINISHELL_42.git

$> cd MINISHELL_42

To use Minishell: $> make && ./minishell

To run tester: $> make tester

Includes a home made minishell tester:


Display prompt
Fetch and execute binaries
Logic && ||
Single and double quotes management
Files redirections >> > < (except file descriptor agregations)
Environment variables
Internal variables
Ctrl + D
Ctrl + \
Ctrl + C
Signal catching
echo: with -n option
cd with relative and absolute path: with - options
pwd: no option
export: no option
env: no option
unset: no option
set: no option
exit: with arguments
history: no option

Line Edition

Shortcuts Description
↑/↓ Navigate on the command history
shift + → Select while moving right
shift + ← Select while moving left
shift + ↑ Copy selection
ctrl + ↑ Cut selection
shift + ↓ Past clipboard
home Move cursor at the commande line's starting point
end Move cursor at the command line's end
ctrl + → Move one word right
ctrl + ← Move one word left
shift + home/end Select up to the beginning/end of the command line
shift + ctrl + →/← Select one word at a time