
Compares global development and fragility between nations.

Primary LanguagePython

bigdata visualization by team sachalwashere

Team members:

  • Kathy
  • Sachal
  • Felix
  • Brian


In this project we seek to compare the stabillity of nations and their level of devolpment, to the number and wealth of the billionares that orginate from said nation. In our project, aptly titled: "Billionares vs State Fragility vs Global Development", we will be using different graphical representative methods to depict the correlations and changes between these values.

Representing our data

We will have two maps, one showing the state fragility of countries/regions around the world, and the other showing the global development of countries/regions around the world. There will also be two line graphs, showing the state fragility and global development of selected countries over time. Lastly, there will be a bar graph showing the state fragility/global development status of multiple countries over time.

Data Source

Billionares Data Set: https://think.cs.vt.edu/corgis/csv/billionaires/billionaires.html
Global Devolpment Data Set: https://think.cs.vt.edu/corgis/csv/global_development/global_development.html
State Fragillity Data Set: https://think.cs.vt.edu/corgis/csv/state_fragility/state_fragility.html