Using VBA to import and run Python scripts to enhance Excel. First release is
The Python script
is called from an Excel file which will locate all PDF files where the Excel file resides. The script uses PyPDF2 version (1.26.0)
to append the PDFs into one PDF and saves the file as merged_files_yyyy_mm_dd
The script takes one argument from the Excel file which is the path of the PDF files that the used would like merged into one PDF.
A custom error function error_msg()
with a simple message box is used to notify user if an error occurred. It provides user option to email the developer by selecting Okay
or do nothing by selecting Cancel
If there is an error running the Python file the current configuration is set to email from users Outlook. The file
contains the function to send the pdf_merger.log
The script saves a logging file to C:\python_logging
which is the required location of the file.
are coded to be stored in C:\\python_logging
This Excel file has a one sheet RingVision
with a button to run the macro, run_python_pdf_merger
. There is an additional macro pdf_merger_shell32
that uses code from the pdf_merge
module. The sheet has two spots for entering file location of python script and python.exe
if using the "Wscript.Shell").
The sheet RingVision
has two (2) spots for entering the path of two files:
- The first path
is to the required Python scripts. This can be modified but needs to be addressed in the the
creates and saves the log file to that location if it does not
- The second path is the Python installation which contains the
file. This will be different depending on Python install. FIX would be to create VBA function that locates path ONE TIME and saves to the file.