For this project, you’re going to be creating a dynamic website that showcases great works of art. With the backend provided, create a front-end in react that has the following elements:
- A gallery that displays all the images
- Sort the gallery by painting title & painting year
- Filter this gallery view by title & at least ONE other element (try for compound filtering - filter by more than one criteria at once)
- BONUS: You can have a “favorite” section where you can add and delete paintings
- BONUS: Use the harvard art museum's API instead of OR in addition to the backend we’ve created
Instructions for getting started:
- Clone down this repo
- Bundle
- Run
rake db:setup
- Check out the database schema and the endpoints you can use to get your data back in JSON
- Use the “create-react-app” command to start a brand new react project
- Design your components how you like and make requests to get the necessary info
- Feel free to modify the backend to add extra functionality
- We’ll be showing off our completed galleries on Monday morning so feel free to make them visually interesting with your own CSS or using a CSS framework!