
Bootstrap process for getting Ansible lab configured with the following dependencies. Note that this does not deploy most Nautobot or AAP for the time being.

  • Azure Key Vault
  • Nautobot Containers
  • Ansible Automation Platform

Repo Setup

This repository has github actions that require the following secrets be set on the repo.

^ Secret Name ^ Purpose ^ | REDHAT_USERNAME | Used to login to Ansible Automation Hub to download collections for EE builds | | REDHAT_PASSWORD | Used to login to Ansible Automation Hub to download collections for EE builds | | QUAY_USERNAME | Used to push EE builds to Quay | | QUAY_PASSWORD | Used to push EE builds to Quay | | AH_TOKEN | Used to login to Ansible Automation hub inside EE builds |

Azure Key Vault

Create SP for Azure login

  1. az login
  2. az account subscription list
  3. az ad sp create-for-rbac --name ansible --role Contributor --scopes
  4. Save output for use in azure playbooks

Run Playbook

  1. Export the following environment variables