
Create profile pictures using OpenAIs GPT-3 image-alpha-001 using PowerShell (Easily adaptable for other uses)

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


This PowerShell script uses the OpenAI API to generate images of users according to a list of names specified in a CSV file. It will generate a new image every second to avoid hitting the API rate limit. Dependant on the amount of images you are looking to generate, this script can take a long time to complete.


Brian Baldock - brian.baldock@microsoft.com


PowerShell OpenAI API Key - https://beta.openai.com/docs/developer-quickstart/1-authorization


. .\Invoke-ImageGeneration.ps1 Invoke-ImageGeneration -OpenAPIKey "OPENAPI-KEY-HERE" -CSVPath "C:\UserNames.csv" -ProfilePicturePath "C:\ProfilePictures" -LogPath "C:"


ProfilePicturePath Enter the path where the profile pictures will be created (Do not include trailing "" - Example: C: or C:\Test Default path is the script directory \ProfilePictures


OpenAPIKey Enter your OpenAI API Key, for more information: https://beta.openai.com/docs/developer-quickstart/1-authorization


CSVPath Enter the path to the CSV file containing the list of persons CSV should be formatted in the following way (Genders can be binary or non-binary)

FirstName,LastName,DisplayName,Gender John,Smith,John Smith,Male Jane,Doe,Jane Doe,Female