
Better web-based Github workflows

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A web backend for better Github merges.

Gitweb screenshot


Install webmerge.js as a TamperMonkey script (may also work in GreaseMonkey).

Note - the server will use your Github OAuth credentials to pull down repos. If you don't trust a 3rd party with write access to your repos, you can build and run the server:

  • Register a new Github application to get OAuth ID and Secret (https://github.com/settings/applications/new)
  • Update auth.go with your application credentials
  • Update the TamperMonkey script with your server address
  • You may also need to create a directory in /tmp for repos to be checked out in


  • GET /auth/login Starts an OAuth handshake to authorize the app

  • GET /auth/status Returns the currently logged in user (using the Github API)

{"loggedIn":true,"user":"Alan Gardner"}
  • POST /git/rebase?branch=<branch>&repo=<repo>&msg=<commit message> - Starts a rebase and squash using the new commit message
  • POST /git/merge?branch=<branch>&repo=<repo> - Starts a fast-forward-only merge from the branch into master
  • GET /job/status?job=<job id> - Get the stdout, stderr and completion status of the given job
{"error":{},"finished":true,"output":"Cloning into '/tmp/webmerge281114230'...\u003cbr\u003eSwitched to a new branch 'rebase_branch'\u003cbr\u003eBranch rebase_branch set up to track remote branch rebase_branch from origin.\u003cbr\u003eOn branch rebase_branch\u003cbr\u003eYour branch is up-to-date with 'origin/rebase_branch'.\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003enothing to commit, working directory clean\u003cbr\u003e"}


  • Git commits use your Github-registered email and name. Your Github email must be public.
  • Repos for the REST API are of the form github.com/<user>/<repo>.git. No https prefix.