
JSON stringify/parse with typed array support

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


JSON stringify/parse with typed array support. This helps you serialize and deserialize typed arrays. Out of the box JSON.stringify will produce this:

JSON.stringify(Uint8Array.from([1])) // '{"0":1}'

This does not rehydrate into a Uint8Array when you JSON.parse the same text.

This library is a very thin wrapper that includes the bare minimum to round-trip typed arrays to and from JSON, so the above code will produce...

const { stringify, parse } = require('json-with-typed-arrays')

parse(stringify(Uint8Array.from([1]))) // Uint8Array [1]

Otherwise it's a direct pass-through to the JSON module. See the tests for more proof.

This supports all typed arrays except BigInt based arrays.


Why not typeson? If that works for you, great! I couldn't get it to work after fiddling with, the bundle size is larger, it has a plugin system, etc. This is a very quick KISS approach. If you're doing something fancy/custom you should use typeson.