
Projects from AP Computer Science under Edhesive online MOOC course.

Primary LanguageJava


Projects from AP Computer Science under Edhesive online MOOC course.

Term 1

  • Assignment 1 - User inputs set of grades and weighted average is outputted
  • Assignment 2 - Provides the change an owner should receive given the amount paid and the cost
  • Assignment 3 - Asks user for his/her birthday and provides back the birthday in a string with the horoscope
  • Assignment 4 - Checks if a tweet is valid and counts the numbers of mentions, hashtags, and links
  • Assignment 5 - User inputs 2 strings. One string has 1 * in the program, to be replaced by the second string.
  • Assignment 6 - Program mergest two arrays of positive integers
  • Assignment 7 - Program changes numbers from base 10 to binary and adds them

Term 2

  • Assignment 1 - Implements Time class to hold hour and minute to represent time. Contains methods toString(), convert(), and increment()
  • Assignment 2 - Implements Light Class to represent a light bulb. Continas methods flip and setColor. Implements Strand Class to represent a strand of lights. Contains methods flip, turnOn, turnoff, and setColor
  • Assignment 3 - Five classes to represent the elements of a school: Person, Student, Teacher, HighSchoolStudent, and School
  • Assignment 4 - Revisits the Time class to add compareTo and difference
  • Assignment 5 - Implements Deck Class with a shuffle method. Program tested to deal cards to two hands and determine winner by calculating point values
  • Assignment 6 - User inputs name and list is returned in alphabetical order via insertion sort
  • Assignment 7 - Implenets Bitmap Class to represent a black and white image using a 2D array. Contains methods flipHorizontal, flipVertical, reverse, and toString