
[React, sqlite3, bcrypt, jwt, Node, Express]: A todo app that allows users to create, edit, mark as completed, and delete todos. Users are authenticated with bcrypt and jwt, backend is in sqlite3, and frontend is in React.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Todo App

A web application to track individual's lists of tasks as todos. Users are authenticated with a username and password this is hashed with bcrypt and uses tokens for private routes.

Frontend: React

Backend: Node, Express, sqlite3


This web application utilized Glitch primarily for hosting purposes (frontend, backend, and db all for free) but ended up also being my development environment as well just to try it out.

I used React for the frontend with reactstrap and utilized hooks and contexts instead of using state as I previously worked with. The reason for this was primarily just to practice and play around with hooks as I have not used them before.

The React frontend uses fetch to call my /api routes in api/controller.js which ultimately calls my db.js which manipulates the sqlite3 database.


Used React and also React Router for the routing of the client views. Reactstrap was used for basic styling.


The main files are api/controller.js, db.js, and server.js.

For user authentication, JSON Web Tokens and bcrypt were utilized. Upon registration, an user's password was hashed and salted before being stored in the database. For login, bcrypt.compare was used to ensure the passwords matched. The server does not store the user's password in plain text. JSON Web Tokens were used to create and verify user tokens so that username and password did not have to be passed around for user's private routes. This also ensured that only the user could manipulate their data of their account.

With React, the user's token is all that is needed to store in context to be used for all GET, POST, and DELETE request.


Handles all of the routes necessary for the backend. This file also contains all user authentication mechanisms such as


Handles the table creations and all necessary SQL database operations for the sqlite3 table.


Just the basic express setup. Any routes to /api will route through backend file api/controller.js instead. All other routes will just serve the static html site that React will later manipulate.


Commits were made by the Glitch export feature, and thus the user committing is as "Glitch (todo-app-sqlite3)" instead of my normal account. However, aside from the boilerplate files such as watch.json and webpack.config.js, the rest of the work here in this repo are my own.

Project boilerplate was bootstrapped by Rui Ramos, based on the React App and sqlite3 starters by Glitch!

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