
Node.js Express/MongoDB template with generic express router and controller

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

An express-mongodb-CRUD (create-read-update-delete) generic router


Latest stable version:
npm install https://github.com/DennisAhaus/express-mongodb-crud/tarball/master --save

Selected version:
npm install https://github.com/DennisAhaus/express-mongodb-crud/tarball/[version] --save
Example: https://github.com/DennisAhaus/express-mongodb-crud/tarball/0.0.1
> For the list of available versions see

Getting started

First you have to install node.js and mongodb. After adding the router to express (expressjs.com) you can use the rest based CRUD api.


Create model data:

Create a new folder where your model can be exist in. Create a subfolder yourModelName. In that sub folder create yourModel.js and a yourModel.json.

Your model.json shoulf contain the Schema definition:

  name: {
    type String,

The yourModel.js should export a function like this:

module.exports = funtion(router, model){

The express router and the datasource is injected. For a mongodb datasoure the injected model will be the original mongoose model.

// import requirements
var express = require('express');
var mongoose = require('mongoose');

// create express server
var app = express();

// Create the crud router and give the model root
// folder you have created before. The root folder here
// is that folder which contains you models
// folder name.
var Resource = require('express-mongodb-crud');
var resource = new Resource({
  modelRootFolder: __dirname + '/models'

// Add the resource router to express app
app.use("/api", resource.router("yourModelName"));

app.listen(3000, function () {

After starting the server the rest interface will be available with url http://localhost:3000/api/YourModelname.


  • http://yourServer:port/api/YourModelName/[?skip=<int>&limit=<int>]

    • GET --> Get list of available models

      • skip param skips models from the top of the result list
      • skip default is 0
      • limit param limits models from the bottom of the result list
        • limit default is 25
        • Returns an array of available models
    • PUT --> Create new model

      • Returns the created model
    • POST --> Search with criterias

      • HTTP BODY: {<mongoose search criteria>}

      • Returns the matching models

    • DELETE --> Delete all available models

  • http://yourServer:port/YourModel/<model-id>

    • GET --> Get the referenced model
    • DELETE --> Delete the referenced model
    • POST --> Update the referenced model
    • PUT --> Update the referenced model

API usage examples

  • GET http://server:port/modelName

    • returns JSON [{<your model>}, {<your model>}, ...]
  • GET http://server:port/modelName?skip=10&limit=5

    • returns JSON [{<your model>}, {<your model>}, ...]. The first 10 items will be skipped (not part of the result) and only 5 items will be returned. This also depends on the amount of available data. If there are only 3 items in database [] will be returned because of skipping parameter will skip the first 10 items.
  • GET http://server:port/modelName/<modelId>

    • returns JSON {<your model>}
  • DELETE http://server:port/modelName/<modelId>

    • returns JSON {<your model>, "deleted":"true"}
  • POST http://server:port/modelName/<modelId> body: {new data}

    • returns JSON {<your model with new data>}
  • POST http://server:port/modelName/config body: {loglevel:"DEBUG"}

    • returns JSON {loglevel:"DEBUG"}, updates the model configuration


npm test with mocha


New contributors are welcome.


  • Dennis Ahaus (dennisahaus.github.io)

Change log

  • 0.1.0

    • Remove config model
    • Create new router (ResourceBuilder) API
    • Now you have to create the models by declaration
    • The router and the model are injected in yourModel.js. Here you are able to create custom methods
  • 0.0.2

  • 0.0.1

    • Initial release


  • Create API inspectacle api for browser based resources


Copyright (c) 2014 Licensed under the MIT license.
