
Simple LORA communications code for Arduino

Primary LanguageC

LORA code anyone can use for their micro-controller project that needs wireless communication

Use this to add a simple radio master and slave with bi-directional communications between them Add any code you wish for your project and this will handle the radio communications backbone for you

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Full video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXHMCecD_5k

Easy project for any long range communications need

Simple LORA communications code for Arduino. Toggle the master/slave (1/0) in the code and program one module as master and one as slave Add any more functions and code you like for your specific project battery indicator on OLEDpower switch puts board in to low power LDO Vreg Antenna: Antenna 915 MHz - 3 inches or 7.8 cm

Wiring to turn OFF Feather Power (Power Switch):

Pin On Feather To:

Parts needed:

Feather https://amzn.to/2V9ZAvp

Feather OLED https://amzn.to/32d72HD

LiPo Battery https://amzn.to/2Hy2vWA

Reference Links (also in code):

Install Feather 32U4 board support by following this guide: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-feather-32u4-basic-proto/arduino-ide-setup

Ref: Adafruit Power management https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-feather-m0-basic-proto/power-management#enable-pin

Power switch: https://io.adafruit.com/blog/tip/2016/12/14/feather-power-switch/