The asheville-open-data application is a simple interactive map displaying a few economic indicators over the City of Asheville parks and greenways. The idea behind this was to see if there is any correlation between housing costs/income/poverty and proxity to green spaces.
I thought it may be interesting to use this data to answer a few questions:
- Do residents in lower-income areas have equal access to public green spaces as residents in higher-income areas?
- Do housing costs increase as proximity to public green spaces decreases?
- Over time, is there a correlation between new parks opening and the economic indicators nearby.
While this is a nice start, there are a few shortcomings to this initial version:
- The economic data is all at the census tract level. Block level data would provide more insight to the above questions.
- The park data is limited to the City of Asheville parks. Including county and state parks may paint a more complete picture.
- The data is limited to a shapshot in time. Ideally, with longitudinal data we may be able to see what sort of impact parks may have over time
- This application was developed using React and Leaflet.
- The app is currently hosted on Heroku