
Testing out golang by implementing a mux for http routing

Primary LanguageGo


HTTP routing library compatible with http.Handler interface.

Testing out go-lang.


// get a new router 
r := mux.NewRouter()

// register route with function literal
r.HandleFunc("/restaurant", "GET", func(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {

// register multiple routes specified in Endpoint struct
r.HandleAll("/restaurant", mux.Endpoint{
	Get: func(w http.ResponseWriter, req * http.Request) {},
	Post: func(w http.ResponseWriter, req * http.Request) {},

type Hello string
// implement http.Handler for Hello
func (h Hello) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {

// register route with type that implements http.Handler
r.Handle("/restaurant", Hello("World"))