
Extension of the RouterLinkWithHref directive a[routerLink] with an additional @Input data binding for delaying navigation

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Build Status Build with Angular CLI


Extension of the RouterLinkWithHref directive a[routerLink] with an additional @Input data binding for delaying navigation

Packaged as an Angular module using ng-packagr

Development project generated with Angular CLI


Rxjs v6.2.0 Update: For use with Angular v6 use the latest npm release. See v2.0.0 Release

npm install @bcodes/ngx-routerlink-delay

To use the extended routerLink directive, import the module:

import { RouterLinkDelayModule } from '@bcodes/ngx-routerlink-delay';`

Replace the default routerLink and routerLinkActive selectors with the extended ones:

  • routerLink -> bcRouterLink
  • routerLinkActive -> bcRouterLinkActive

The navigation delay @Input is in milliseconds:

  • [navigationDelay]="1000"



    <a [bcRouterLink]="['/page-one']" bcRouterLinkActive="active" [navigationDelay]="1000">
        Page One
    <a bcRouterLink="/page-two" bcRouterLinkActive="active" [navigationDelay]="2000">
        Page Two


import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

import { RouterLinkDelayModule } from '@bcodes/ngx-routerlink-delay';
import { PageOneComponent } from './pages/page-one/page-one.component';
import { PageTwoComponent } from './pages/page-two/page-two.component';

    declarations: [
    imports: [
    providers: [],
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Why bcRouterLinkActive? Internally routerLinkActive queries the template using the type of the routerLink directive i.e. RouterLinkWithHref. Extending routerLink meant we also had to extend routerLinkActive to query for the new type

Library Development: Build, Run, Test

Build the library

  • npm run build:lib

This will create a dist/lib folder with generated Angular module for distribution

Live Reload

The library source (lib/src) is located alongside a ready-to-run Angular ClI project. The library module has been imported in app.module.ts, and is ready to roll as is. The project can be served with ng serve, and any changes made to the the directive source files in lib/src will trigger a live reload

Symbolic npm link

For testing the bundled module locally, you can use npm link. You will firstly need to replace the import in app.module.ts as follows:

import { RouterLinkDelayModule } from '../../lib/src/router-link-delay.module';
// replace with 
import { RouterLinkDelayModule } from '@bcodes/ngx-routerlink-delay';

From the dist/lib folder run:

  • npm link

In the application root e.g. ngx-routerlink-delay folder, run:

  • npm link @bcodes/ngx-routerlink-delay


  • ng serve or
  • ng serve --preserve-symlinks


The tests are contained in the lib/test folder. The files to be tested are imported from the dist/lib folder, so we are testing the bundled library

The test files are located outside of the root src folder and required the following changes to the test setup:



"include": [


const context_lib = require.context('../lib', true, /\.spec\.ts$/);

Run the tests with ng test, or npm run test:lib to do a build and test

GitHub Pages

ng build --prod --base-href "https://briancodes.github.io/ngx-routerlink-delay/"
ngh --dir="dist/app" --message="Commit message"


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license