Apache2.4+PHP5.4 build pack for Moodle

This is a build pack bundling PHP and Apache for Heroku apps.


The config files are bundled with the build pack itself:

  • conf/httpd.conf
  • conf/php.ini
  • conf/config.php (Moodle default configuration)

Pre-compiling binaries

Run sudo ./precompile.sh under a Ubuntu 10.04 VM, and it will produce /app/apache-VERSION.tar.gz and /app/php-VERSION.tar.gz binary archives which you can host somewhere for /bin/compile to download.


To change this buildpack, fork it on Github. Push up changes to your fork, then create a test app with --buildpack and push to it.


Froked from https://github.com/grahamjenson/heroku-buildpack-mahara