
On ingest any video codec will be converted using an open source trans-coder into the selected codec and placed into a destination folder.

Primary LanguagePython


On ingest any video codec will be converted using an open source trans-coder into the selected codec and placed into a destination folder.

NOTE Doucuments Regarding this converter are stored at https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B7q5myK2_zghb192NXVmN3ZXdGM&usp=sharing_eid&ts=56afbf92

USAGE INSTRUCTIONS -MICROSOFT WINDOWS ONLY 1.Enter the folder labeled AutoConvert 2 Click on the Batch File labeled Auto-Codec-Converter IF THIS DOES NOT WORK enter the folder labeled bin press shift and right click at the same time select OPEN COMMAND WINDOW HERE and then use the command py user_interface.py or python user_interface.py 3. slect the settings for conversion(folders/codec/bitrate etcetera) 4. Click convert! 5. any files in the specified IN folder (that are convertable) will be then convertef and placed in the output folder NOTE: There are pre-specified input and output folders in the same folder as the batch script 6. close the cmd window when you wish to stop conversion. 7. open the app again and the settings you sleceted (other than bitrate) will be just as you left them! 8. Have fun!