- a-hilaly@aws
- akaiholaWärtsilä Oyj
- amcclosky@almostproductive
- BasPH
- blarghmatey@BoundlessNotions @mitodl
- dakrauthPoulsbo, WA
- edubxb@seedtag
- ErikBjare@SuperuserLabs
- fcurella@minted
- frgtnVilnius, Lithuania
- hansluk
- itamarst
- jefftriplett@revsys @DEFNA @djangocon @psf @django
- jubbon
- jwkvam@Google
- kenodegard@anaconda
- MarijnJABoerLeiden
- mgedminProgrammers of Vilnius
- michael-christenUnited States
- microdogShanghai, China
- mlenzenSpotOn
- nicfitColorado, USA
- paulgoetzeBerlin, Germany
- pombredanne@aboutcode-org and @nexB
- ravipudiWells Fargo India
- rouge8Pilot
- saadazghourSomewhere in Morocco
- sfdye@zendesk
- sidneywidmer@axa-ch
- techdragonPerth, Western Australia
- the01
- tiberiuichim@eea @eaudeweb
- tyarkoniX, the moonshot factory
- xSAVIKx@yuri-sergiichuk
- xutaodingjd Technology