domain for testing new website designs
Match against authors' firsst and last names, tag list, category, and title (recommended)author
Match against the first and last name of the author(s)journal
= Match against the journal field in the reference (alpha)title
= Match against the resouce titlecategory
Match against the resource category (e.g., design, research)refQ
Match against all the fields in the provided reference(s)tags
Comma separated list of tags to search forpubYear
Match against year of publication in the reference(s)
filter results set on the earliest date of creation. (yyyy-mm-dd)maxdate
filter results set the latest date of creation. (yyyy-mm-dd)limit
Limit query to n=limit
resources returned (alpha)offset
Offset query results so that the return starts at n=offset
The mime type of the file. A list of supported file types and their interpretations is here (must be on an SHC computer to view).
order the results by this. Takes valuestitle
(resource title),upload
(date of upload),created
(date of creation),author
(alpha by author last name). Defaults toupload
. (alpha)contentType
How do you want the content returned to you? Accepts valuesjson
(JSON) andtext/html
(html). Defaults totext/html