
REST API to learn Go and Vue.js

Primary LanguageHTML


This Repo contains code for a silly little REST API so I can continue to learn Go and Vue.js This REST API will generate 256-bit keys that could be use for AES encryption. This is a sample API only. Do not use in Production

To Build

  • export GOPATH=~/code/Github/AesKeyApi/Source/api
  • go build .


  • Create basic API
  • Create UI to get 1 KEY
  • POST to API to get more than one key
  • Parameterize API to listen on port defined in an ENV variable
  • Parameterize UI for REST API endpoint
  • Update Kubernetes Deployment manifest for API. Destination - Azure App Services for Containers
  • Create deployment for the UI. Destination - Static Website Hosting on Azure Blob Storage (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-blob-static-website)
  • Update azure_deploy.sh to create resources in Azure for application and deploy code.