
A simple demo on how to use PowerShell with Azure Functions

Primary LanguagePowerShell


A simple demo on how to use PowerShell with Azure Functions


  1. az login
  2. az group create -n PowerShell_AZ_RG -l southcentralus
  3. az storage account create --name bjdpssa001 --location southcentralus --resource-group PowerShell_AZ_RG --sku Standard_LRS
  4. az functionapp create --name bjdps001 --storage-account bjdpssa001 --consumption-plan-location southcentralus --resource-group PowerShell_AZ_RG
  5. az functionapp identity assign --name bjdps001 --resource-group PowerShell_AZ_RG
  6. $functionAppId=(az functionapp identity show --name bjdps001 --resource-group PowerShell_AZ_RG --query 'principalId' --output tsv)

Ceate Storage and Containers

  1. az storage account create --name bjdlake002 --location southcentralus --resource-group PowerShell_AZ_RG --sku Standard_LRS
  2. $key=(az storage account keys list -n bjdlake002 --query "[0].value" -o tsv)
  3. az storage container create --name data --account-key $key --account-name bjdlake002

Assign Permissions

  1. az role assignment create --assignee-object-id $functionAppId --role "Storage Blob Data Contributor" -g PowerShell_AZ_RG
  2. az role assignment create --assignee-object-id $functionAppId --role "Reader" -g PowerShell_AZ_RG

Publish Code

  1. cd src
  2. func azure functionapp publish bjdps001