
Must watch programming videos, the perfect non-human meal time companion


Inspired by Ashley Williams' great breakfast-repo, this is a list of tech/programming videos I found interesting, enlightening, insert other buzzwords. Stored here for your pleasure becuase I got sick of trying to remember them all.

While I don't usually have enough time for a video during my coffee and breakfast, I try to squeeze one in during lunch to learn a thing or two, thus the name.

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Alex Russell - Progressive Web Apps

Jafar Husain - Async Programming in ES7

Stephan Bönnemann - We fail to follow SemVer - and why it needn't matter

Philip Roberts - What the heck is the event loop anyway?

Vojta Jina - Dependency Injection

Jafar Husain - Reactive Programming Overview

Jeremy Fairbank - The Rise of Async JavaScript

Sebastian Markbåge - Minimal API Surface Area

Lee Byron - Immutable User Interfaces

Bob Martin - The Future of Programming

Matt Ranney - What I Wish I Had Known Before Scaling Uber to 1000 Services

Scott Wlaschin - Functional programming design patterns

Rob Pike - Simplicity is Complicated

Ashley Williams - A Brief History and Mishistory of Modularity