
Create, review, and manage Gitlab reources without leaving Neovim

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


This Neovim plugin is designed to make it easy to review Gitlab MRs from within the editor. This means you can do things like:

  • Create, approve, and merge MRs for the current branch
  • Read and edit an MR description
  • Add or remove reviewers and assignees
  • Resolve, reply to, and unresolve discussion threads
  • Create, edit, delete, and reply to comments
  • View and manage pipeline Jobs
  • Upload files, jump to the browser, and a lot more!

Screenshot 2024-01-13 at 10 43 32 AM Screenshot 2024-01-13 at 10 43 17 AM


To view these help docs and to get more detailed help information, please run :h gitlab.nvim


  • Go >= v1.19

Quick Start

  1. Install Go
  2. Add configuration (see Installation section)
  3. Checkout your feature branch: git checkout feature-branch
  4. Open Neovim
  5. Run :lua require("gitlab").review() to open the reviewer pane

For more detailed information about the Lua APIs please run :h gitlab.nvim.api


With Lazy:

return {
  dependencies = {
    "stevearc/dressing.nvim", -- Recommended but not required. Better UI for pickers.
    "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons" -- Recommended but not required. Icons in discussion tree.
  enabled = true,
  build = function () require("gitlab.server").build(true) end, -- Builds the Go binary
  config = function()

And with Packer:

use {
  requires = {
    "stevearc/dressing.nvim", -- Recommended but not required. Better UI for pickers.
    "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons", -- Recommended but not required. Icons in discussion tree.
  run = function() require("gitlab.server").build(true) end,
  config = function()

Connecting to Gitlab

This plugin requires an auth token to connect to Gitlab. The token can be set in the root directory of the project in a .gitlab.nvim environment file, or can be set via a shell environment variable called GITLAB_TOKEN instead. If both are present, the .gitlab.nvim file will take precedence.

Optionally provide a GITLAB_URL environment variable (or gitlab_url value in the .gitlab.nvim file) to connect to a self-hosted Gitlab instance. This is optional, use ONLY for self-hosted instances. Here's what they'd look like as environment variables:

export GITLAB_TOKEN="your_gitlab_token"
export GITLAB_URL="https://my-personal-gitlab-instance.com/"

And as a .gitlab.nvim file:


The plugin will look for the .gitlab.nvim file in the root of the current project by default. However, you may provide a custom path to the configuration file via the config_path option. This must be an absolute path to the directory that holds your .gitlab.nvim file.

For more settings, please see :h gitlab.nvim.connecting-to-gitlab

Configuring the Plugin

Here is the default setup function. All of these values are optional, and if you call this function with no values the defaults will be used:

  port = nil, -- The port of the Go server, which runs in the background, if omitted or `nil` the port will be chosen automatically
  log_path = vim.fn.stdpath("cache") .. "/gitlab.nvim.log", -- Log path for the Go server
  config_path = nil, -- Custom path for `.gitlab.nvim` file, please read the "Connecting to Gitlab" section
  debug = { go_request = false, go_response = false }, -- Which values to log
  attachment_dir = nil, -- The local directory for files (see the "summary" section)
  reviewer_settings = {
    diffview = {
      imply_local = false, -- If true, will attempt to use --imply_local option when calling |:DiffviewOpen|
  connection_settings = {
    insecure = false, -- Like curl's --insecure option, ignore bad x509 certificates on connection
  help = "g?", -- Opens a help popup for local keymaps when a relevant view is focused (popup, discussion panel, etc)
  popup = { -- The popup for comment creation, editing, and replying
    perform_action = "<leader>s", -- Once in normal mode, does action (like saving comment or editing description, etc)
    perform_linewise_action = "<leader>l", -- Once in normal mode, does the linewise action (see logs for this job, etc)
    width = "40%",
    height = "60%",
    border = "rounded", -- One of "rounded", "single", "double", "solid"
    opacity = 1.0, -- From 0.0 (fully transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque)
    comment = nil, -- Individual popup overrides, e.g. { width = "60%", height = "80%", border = "single", opacity = 0.85 },
    edit = nil,
    note = nil,
    pipeline = nil,
    reply = nil,
    squash_message = nil,
    temp_registers = {}, -- List of registers for backing up popup content (see `:h gitlab.nvim.temp-registers`)
  discussion_tree = { -- The discussion tree that holds all comments
    auto_open = true, -- Automatically open when the reviewer is opened
    switch_view = "S", -- Toggles between the notes and discussions views
    default_view = "discussions" -- Show "discussions" or "notes" by default
    blacklist = {}, -- List of usernames to remove from tree (bots, CI, etc)
    jump_to_file = "o", -- Jump to comment location in file
    jump_to_reviewer = "m", -- Jump to the location in the reviewer window
    edit_comment = "e", -- Edit comment
    delete_comment = "dd", -- Delete comment
    reply = "r", -- Reply to comment
    toggle_node = "t", -- Opens or closes the discussion
    add_emoji = "Ea" -- Add an emoji to the note/comment
    add_emoji = "Ed" -- Remove an emoji from a note/comment
    toggle_all_discussions = "T", -- Open or close separately both resolved and unresolved discussions
    toggle_resolved_discussions = "R", -- Open or close all resolved discussions
    toggle_unresolved_discussions = "U", -- Open or close all unresolved discussions
    keep_current_open = false, -- If true, current discussion stays open even if it should otherwise be closed when toggling
    toggle_resolved = "p" -- Toggles the resolved status of the whole discussion
    position = "left", -- "top", "right", "bottom" or "left"
    open_in_browser = "b" -- Jump to the URL of the current note/discussion
    copy_node_url = "u", -- Copy the URL of the current node to clipboard
    size = "20%", -- Size of split
    relative = "editor", -- Position of tree split relative to "editor" or "window"
    resolved = '', -- Symbol to show next to resolved discussions
    unresolved = '-', -- Symbol to show next to unresolved discussions
    tree_type = "simple", -- Type of discussion tree - "simple" means just list of discussions, "by_file_name" means file tree with discussions under file
    toggle_tree_type = "i", -- Toggle type of discussion tree - "simple", or "by_file_name"
    winbar = nil -- Custom function to return winbar title, should return a string. Provided with WinbarTable (defined in annotations.lua)
                 -- If using lualine, please add "gitlab" to disabled file types, otherwise you will not see the winbar.
  info = { -- Show additional fields in the summary view
    enabled = true,
    horizontal = false, -- Display metadata to the left of the summary rather than underneath
    fields = { -- The fields listed here will be displayed, in whatever order you choose
  discussion_signs = {
    enabled = true, -- Show diagnostics for gitlab comments in the reviewer
    skip_resolved_discussion = false, -- Show diagnostics for resolved discussions
    severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.INFO, -- ERROR, WARN, INFO, or HINT
    virtual_text = false, -- Whether to show the comment text inline as floating virtual text
    priority = 100, -- Higher will override LSP warnings, etc
    icons = {
      comment = "→|",
      range = " |",
  pipeline = {
    created = "",
    pending = "",
    preparing = "",
    scheduled = "",
    running = "",
    canceled = "",
    skipped = "",
    success = "",
    failed = "",
  create_mr = {
    target = nil, -- Default branch to target when creating an MR
    template_file = nil, -- Default MR template in .gitlab/merge_request_templates
    delete_branch = false, -- Whether the source branch will be marked for deletion
    squash = false, -- Whether the commits will be marked for squashing
    title_input = { -- Default settings for MR title input window
      width = 40,
      border = "rounded",
  colors = {
    discussion_tree = {
      username = "Keyword",
      date = "Comment",
      chevron = "DiffviewNonText",
      directory = "Directory",
      directory_icon = "DiffviewFolderSign",
      file_name = "Normal",


First, check out the branch that you want to review locally.

git checkout feature-branch

Then open Neovim. To begin, try running the summary command or the review command.


The plugin does not set up any keybindings outside of the special buffers it creates, you need to set them up yourself. Here's what I'm using:

local gitlab = require("gitlab")
local gitlab_server = require("gitlab.server")
vim.keymap.set("n", "glr", gitlab.review)
vim.keymap.set("n", "gls", gitlab.summary)
vim.keymap.set("n", "glA", gitlab.approve)
vim.keymap.set("n", "glR", gitlab.revoke)
vim.keymap.set("n", "glc", gitlab.create_comment)
vim.keymap.set("v", "glc", gitlab.create_multiline_comment)
vim.keymap.set("v", "glC", gitlab.create_comment_suggestion)
vim.keymap.set("n", "glO", gitlab.create_mr)
vim.keymap.set("n", "glm", gitlab.move_to_discussion_tree_from_diagnostic)
vim.keymap.set("n", "gln", gitlab.create_note)
vim.keymap.set("n", "gld", gitlab.toggle_discussions)
vim.keymap.set("n", "glaa", gitlab.add_assignee)
vim.keymap.set("n", "glad", gitlab.delete_assignee)
vim.keymap.set("n", "glla", gitlab.add_label)
vim.keymap.set("n", "glld", gitlab.delete_label)
vim.keymap.set("n", "glra", gitlab.add_reviewer)
vim.keymap.set("n", "glrd", gitlab.delete_reviewer)
vim.keymap.set("n", "glp", gitlab.pipeline)
vim.keymap.set("n", "glo", gitlab.open_in_browser)
vim.keymap.set("n", "glM", gitlab.merge)

For more information about each of these commands, and about the APIs in general, run :h gitlab.nvim.api