Component inventory website running on and using a SQL Server Express database.
PartFinder is written in C# and runs on IIS servers on the Windows platform. The storage is using a SQL Server database, either full or express versions.
To create the database tables, add a new database to SQL server called PartFinder and run the setup script in /setup/database.sql to add the new tables and default data.
Update the connection string MainConn in the web.config with the username and password for your database.
When you have setup the database and added the website is IIS, go to the /setup folder in your web browser and create your create your first user account to sign into Part Finder.
Delete the setup folder once setup is completed.
The web application can be run on a web server and secured via a username and password using the "users" database table which contains the username as an email address and a hashed password.
The system can also can be used for any users on a intranet or local machine without the login requirement by commenting out the following section in the web.config file:
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name=".ASPXAUTH" loginUrl="/login.aspx" path="/" timeout="30" defaultUrl="/default.aspx" />
<deny users ="?" />
<allow users = "*" />
The admin section contains a file manager which allows you to create directories / folders and add files within the website root in a folder called "/docs".
This will need the appropriate permissions for the IIS/User account on your server/computer.
More details about this web application can be found on my blog at