A Vagrant LEMP box on steroids

Primary LanguageRuby

LEMP provisioned by chef-solo on Vagrant

  • Vagrant
  • Nginx
  • PHP-FPM (with APC, CURL, GD, MySQL modules)
  • MySQL

Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments.

By providing automated creation and provisioning of virtual machines using Oracle’s VirtualBox, Vagrant provides the tools to create and configure lightweight, reproducible, and portable virtual environments. For more information, see the part of the getting started guide on Why Vagrant?

Quick Start

First, make sure your development machine has VirtualBox installed (version 4.2 and later are preferable). The setup from that point forward is very easy:

1. Install Vagrant (version 1.0.5 and later are preferable)
2. $ git clone --recursive https://github.com/santiagogil/Lost.git your-folder
3. cd your-folder
4. $ vagrant up
5. $ sudo su and then # echo "  lost.dev" >> /etc/hosts
5. Wait a few minutes


  • NGINX + PHP responding on IP (in browser, type http://lost.dev)
  • MySQL connection available form host machine (Host:, User: root, Password: password)

Known Issues

  • In first time you are running the command vagrant up, is possible that vagrant will return the following message: "VM must be created before running this command. Run vagrant up first." In this case you only need reload the configuration with this command: vagrant reload

Based on



It's a work in progress, not tested yet. The proyect concist in building a "LEMP on steroids" specifically tuned for our WordPress deployments. It will include a lot of config customizations, security sane defaults and monitoring built in.
