
A drone plugin to deploy Google Cloud Run containers.

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drone-cloud-run - A drone.io plugin to deploy Google Cloud Run containers.


For usage in drone v1.0:

kind: pipeline
name: default

  - name: deploy-using-new-drone-plugin-version
    image: oliver006/drone-cloud-run:latest
    pull: always
      action: deploy                                            # other actions: update-traffic
      service: my-api-service
      runtime: gke                                              # default=managed
      image: org-name/my-api-service-image
      timeout: 10m                                              # google cloud default is 5m
      memory: 512Mi
      variant: alpha                                            # uses "gcloud alpha run" command variant, default=<empty string>. Other supported variant is beta.
      region: us-central1
      allow_unauthenticated: true                               # default=false
      svc_account: 1234-my-svc-account@google.svcaccount.com 
      addl_flags:                                               # if present, flags passed to command
        add-cloud-sql-instances: instance1,instance2
        from_secret: google_credentials
        VAR_1: "var01"
        ANOTHER_ENV_VAR: "env_var_value"
      secrets:                                                  # set environment variables or file path contents to a Secret Manager secret value
        MY_SECRET: "my-secret:latest"
        /mount/path: "mounted-secret:latest"
        from_secret: api_key_prod

Updating traffic

You can optionally use the update-traffic action to change which revisions will receive traffic by passing the services update-traffic command's --to-latest, --to-revisions or --to-tags arguments to addl_flags.

See the Cloud Run traffic routing docs for more information.

kind: pipeline
name: default

  - name: deploy-using-new-drone-plugin-version                 # Same options available as above
    image: oliver006/drone-cloud-run:latest
      action: deploy
      variant: alpha
      service: my-api-service
      runtime: gke
      image: org-name/my-api-service-image
      region: us-central1
        no-traffic: ''                                          # Don't route 100% of traffic to this revision by default
        tag: canary                                             # Human-readable revision name
        from_secret: google_credentials

  - name: update-traffic-using-new-drone-plugin-version
    image: oliver006/drone-cloud-run:latest
      action: update-traffic
      variant: alpha
      service: my-api-service
      runtime: gke
      region: us-central1
        to-tags: canary=5                                       # One of: to-latest, to-revisions, to-tags (alpha variant only)
        from_secret: google_credentials

On Additional Flags

To be flexible with respect to flags that the gcloud command can accept, you can use addl_flags in your drone setup settings. Use the flags are they're described in the documentation without the prefix -- (eg. --set-config-maps becomes set-config-maps). If the flag doesn't require any arguments, use '' as the value.

Drone version compatibility

Versions 0.3.0 and below of this plugin support .drone.yml syntax for either Drone v0.8 or Drone v1.0 and above.

Beginning with the 1.0.0 release, Drone v0.8 is no longer supported. This is due to naming conflicts in the config between configuring Secret Manager secrets and Drone Secrets.