
Cheatsheet of handy shell commands for backups, creating dmgs, cleaning up directories, etc

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Handy Shell Commands


Install Xcode Command Line Tools with installing all of Xcode.


  • you're missing the Xcode command line tools, or
  • see an error such as xcode-select: error: command line tools are already installed, use "Software Update" to install updates, or
  • see an error during npm install such as gyp: No Xcode or CLT version detected!


sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
xcode-select --install


Stop all running containers

docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)

Remove all containers

docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

Remove all untagged images

docker rmi $(docker images | grep "^<none>" | awk '{print $3}')


Partition an External USB Drive with Apple APFS Filesystem

# find out what disk number you want to partition
diskutil list

# partition "disk2" into 4 sections, all formatted with APFS
diskutil partitionDisk disk2 4 GPT APFS Data1 5% APFS Data2 20% APFS Data3 30% APFS Other R

# use timemachine to backup to a partition

Encrypted DMG example

# setup `ARCHIVE_PW` environment variable for encrypted DMGs

printf $ARCHIVE_PW | nice hdiutil create -stdinpass -srcfolder "VacationPhotos" -volname "movies" -fs HFS+ -fsargs "-c c=64,a=16,e=16" -format UDBZ -puppetstrings -encryption AES-256 "vacation.dmg"

Unencrypted DMG example

nice hdiutil create -srcfolder "VacationPhotos" -volname "vacationphotos" -fs HFS+ -fsargs "-c c=64,a=16,e=16" -format UDBZ -puppetstrings "vacationphotos.dmg"

S3: Copying files to S3

aws s3 cp vacationphotos.dmg s3://vacationphotos-bucket/vacationphotos.dmg

aws s3 cp vacationphotos.dmg s3://vacationphotos-bucket/vacationphotos.dmg --storage-class REDUCED_REDUNDANCY

S3: Listing, Downloading and Removing

# list files in S3 recursively
aws s3 ls --recursive s3://vacationphotos-bucket/italyphotos

# S3 to local machine
aws s3 cp "s3://vacationphotos-bucket/italyphotos/123.jpg" .

# remove from S3
aws s3 rm "s3://vacationphotos-bucket/italyphotos/123.jpg"

Directory Clean up

Recursively remove directories from current directory

# remove ".svn" sub-folders at all levels
find . -name .svn -exec rm -rf \{\} \;

Mass rename file extensions (on OSX)

brew install rename
find . -name "*.js" -exec rename 's/.js$/.ts/' \{\} \;

Find largest sub-directories (on OSX)

du -k -d1 | sort -nr

Copy to remote server via scp

scp -vp root@server.local:/volume1/archives/files.tgz ~/Desktop/
scp -vp ~/Desktop/files.tgz root@server.local:/volume1/archives/

Mirroring a website

brew install wget

# mirror a site locally
wget --mirror --page-requisites --wait 2 --adjust-extension --convert-links https://www.example.com

# just get items under a specific section using --no-parent
wget --mirror --page-requisites --no-parent --wait 2 --adjust-extension --convert-links https://www.example.com/section

Convert a mirrored website to PDF

brew install htmldoc

# create pdf in filename alphabetical order (ok since hyperlinks work in PDF)
htmldoc --webpage -f example.pdf example_path/*.html

# move a page to the first instead of default alphabetical order
htmldoc --webpage -f example.pdf example_path/first-page.html example_path/*.html

General Git

List branches in date order

git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate refs/heads/

Moving patches between separate Git repos

# generate one patch file for n commits
#  SHA1 is the commit before the first commit you want
#  SHA2 is the last commit you want
git format-patch SHA1..SHA2 --stdout > my-changes.patch

# copy patch to /path/to/2

# now apply patches
git apply --stat my-changes.patch     # check stats
git apply --check my-changes.patch     # verify patch will go in cleanly
git am --signoff < my-changes.patch   # add n commits

Git and SVN

Create local Git Repo from SVN Branch

# Which SVN branch do you want to create a repo for?
# (versus pulling down all svn branches and all history)
svn ls https://MYREPO/branches

# If you want history for a complete branch, find branch's first revision
svn log --stop-on-copy https://MYREPO/branches/branch-i-want

# Create a local git repo, and pull in history starting from a specific
# svn revision for 'branch-i-want', which is 16759 in this case:
git svn clone --log-window=10000 -r16759 https://MYREPO/branches/branch-i-want

# Make sure you set your committer name and email to new repo if differs
# from your global settings
git config user.email "me@here.com"

Pulling from SVN and Pushing back to SVN

# Pull down revisions
git svn rebase

# Push git changes back to SVN
git svn dcommit

Working with SVN and multiple local Git branches

If creating/using local git branches, use "git rebase" and never "git fetch/merge" nor "git pull" since SVN doesn't understand merging, just linear commits.

git checkout master    # assume we're on master
git checkout -b my-new-local-branch    # create a new branch based on master
... make changes, make some commits...
git checkout master    # change back to master in prep for commiting back to SVN
git rebase my-new-local-branch   # to add commits from my-new-local-branch back to master
git svn rebase    # to pull down any new changes in SVN
git svn dcommit    # commit git changes back to SVN

Github API

Creating an OAuth Token for Updating GISTs

curl -v -u USERNAME_HERE https://api.github.com/authorizations \
  --data '{"scopes":["gist"], "note":"DESCRIPTION_HERE"}'


Add a newline in the replacement text on OSX (and Linux)

# Note: I'm using the pipe delimiter in this example, not required.
# Important part is defining nl, and then using it via: \\$nl\

nl=$'\n'; sed "s|oneline|oneline\\$nl\twolines|" file.txt

Make changes in-place

# use -i ''
sed -i '' "s|oneline|oneline2|" file.txt

Show how much RAM a process is using in MB

ps -eo size,pid,user,command --sort -size | awk '{ hr=$1/1024 ; printf("%13.2f Mb ",hr) } { for ( x=4 ; x<=NF ; x++ ) { printf("%s ",$x) } print "" }'