
Modified xpad linux kernel module (Xbox 360 controller driver) with a deadzone

Primary LanguageC


This is an ever so slightly modified version of the Linux xpad kernel module.

Some games do not go through the Joystick API and so do not respect deadzones set by jscal.

To "fix" this, I simply added a deadzone to the kernel module itself.

You can edit the deadzone by changing the XPAD_DEADZONE variable to whatever value you like. The maximum axis value is 32768. Something around 5000 to 8000 usually works well for me.

xpad.c was originally copied from https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/drivers/input/joystick/xpad.c

Compiling / Installing

You’ll need linux kernel and libusb headers. This should do the trick on Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` build-essential automake1.9

Once you have the dependencies, just compile, install, and load the module:

sudo make install
sudo modprobe -r xpad
sudo depmod -a
sudo modprobe xpad