
PHP API for Phabricator Conduit application

Primary LanguagePHP

Phabricator PHP API (Conduit client)

This is a PHP based client for Phabricator API. Phabricator is an open source, software engineering platform, built in PHP, and it has a very nice API calld Conduit.

For all available endpoint and method name, see the Conduit Application in the live Phabricator instance.

Basic useful feature list:

  • Fully implemented all current API endpoint
  • Ability to make custom clients (Currently a simple CURL based client is implemented)
  • Custom processor classes for various endpoints


This is a simple initialization

//Initialization, this will initialize the connection with conduit.connect method
$client = new \Phabricator\Client\CurlClient();
$phabricator = new \Phabricator\Phabricator($client, "http://phabricator.example.com", "MyUserName", "myAuthToken");

//Uses magic methods and reflection to do this, simple call project.query method with parameters
$response = $phabricator->Project("query", ["status" => "status-open"]);

Using custom clients

Simply create a new class wich implements the \Phabricator\Client\ClientInterface, implement all methods and you ready to go.

$client = new \MyProject\AwesomClient();
$phabricator = new \Phabricator\Phabricator($client, "http://phabricator.example.com", "MyUserName", "myAuthToken");

Using a cutom endpoint handler

All handler must implements th \Phabricator\Endpoint\EndpointInterface. When its complete, you push the new handler to the Phabricator class. All handler needs the client in the constructor, you may get it from the main class.


$handler = new \MyProject\MyProjectHandler($phabricator->getClient());
$phabricator->pushEndpointHandler("project", $handler);

in this example we replaced the handler for the project endpoint.

You now specify executor methods in your handler, for all method. If you call $phabricator->Project("query", []) method call the queryExecutor method in your MyProjectHandler class.

If the specified executor method not found the class call the defaultExecutor for fallback.


Just for now, simply clone the repository, but i try to put project to packagist, and made available through Jenkins with all test results.

Informations and Issues

  • The main issue managmenet on my phabricator instance, not in github. - Link
  • Builds are available through Jenkins and Packagist (Soon...)


This project licesend under GNU - General Public License, version 3

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