Basic Implementation of a Calendar with EventKit read capabilities.
- Download the files or clone the project
- Drop the contents of the KDCalendarView group in your project
- Add the EventKit framework (From XCode, click on the project file then Build Phases > Link Binary With Libraries. Press the + and add the EventKit.framework)
Create a UIViewController that implementes the KDCalendarDelegate and KDCalendarDataSource and then create the calendar as below:
KDCalendarView* calendarView = [[KDCalendarView alloc] initWithFrame:calendarFrame];
calendarView.delegate = self;
calendarView.dataSource = self;
[self.view addSubview:calendarView]
The frame can be arbitrary and the component will morph to fit in the shape it is given.
To show events added from your iOS calendar add:
calendarView.showsEvents = YES;
The calendar will call on 2 interfaces.
KDCalendarDataSource needs to implement at least the first method that returns the start date. Feel free to set this at today as below:
-(NSDate*)startDate {
return [NSDate date];
KDCalendarDelegate will respond to scrolling events and date selection events
You can either set a date directly or scroll to the month you want if it is within the interval of start and end dates provided by the DataSource. The methods are: 'setMonthDisplayed:animated:' and 'setDateSelected:animated:' Example of setting the calendar to scroll to the next month:
NSDateComponents* components = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
components.month = value;
NSDate* cdate = self.calendarView.monthDisplayed;
NSDate* date = [calendar dateByAddingComponents:components toDate:cdate options:0];
[self.calendarView setMonthDisplayed:date animated:YES];
When selecting a start day which is not the first of the month, you can choose whether the days until that will be displayd grayed out.
self.calendarView.showsWholeMonthsOnStartAndEnd = YES;
I chose to not use a UIViewController by mimicking the implementation of UITableView and UICollectionView which internally cache a lot of data about what and how it should appear. They use a delegate to get live data which in the case of the calendar is the start and end date, not the days in a spacific month, which although data are universal constants rather than variables.