
Input: project name. Output: pre-configured Django + batteries

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Django Project Builder


Django Project Builder is the fastest, easiest way to, well... build a new Django project!

Features and Benefits

  • Create a new Django project, git repo, virtualenv, and Django app with sane defaults all with a single command

  • Prepare your server for deployment with a couple more commands

  • Auto-deploy your shiny new Django app to your server with a simple git push! (Uses git hooks behind the scenes... but you don't need to worry about that, do you?)

  • Two Front-end options, both with CSS Stylesheets and HTML Templates with a lot of swag.

What you don't have to dread anymore

  • Tediously editing config files before anything works, even though you use the same defaults every single time

  • Being forced to copy/paste/edit the same content over and over from old settings.py files

  • Spending too much time configurationating, and not enough time coding

Who is DPB for?

Django programmers using a Unix-based OS looking to do more coding and less config.

For those looking to enjoy convenient server deployments, note that the server scripts currently assume you're using Bash + virtualenv + virtualenvwrapper + Ubuntu + Apache. We're working on reducing the number of dependencies.

See our TODO for what's on the horizon, and for what you may want to help out with.

So... how do I use it?

Dev Box Usage

After cloning this repo to your local machine, cd into it and run something like

python djangobuilder.py --path ~/new_project

to create the ~/new_project_site directory, which contains tons of Django boilerplate -- common imports, virtualenv creation, a new git repo, and more!

If you add the optional --bootstrap argument, your project will be created using all Bootstrap defaults for the front-end.

python djangobuilder.py --path ~/new_project --bootstrap

virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper are required. git is recommended. Django is awesome.

Server Usage

After cloning this repo to one of your many servers, cd into it and run

bash gitbuilder.sh ~/new_project

to create the top-level project directory, bare git repo, and empty ${PROJECT_NAME}_site directory for the soon-to-exist Django project. Follow the instructions echoed to the screen, which include using apachebuilder.sh to generate your project's Apache config.




On Ubuntu, install Postgres with

sudo apt-get install postgresql-server-dev-all

To install psycopg2, Django's Postgres driver, run

pip install psycopg2

If you get the following error when trying to install psycopg2

./psycopg/psycopg.h:30:20: fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1

that means you haven't installed all the necessary header (*.h) files to compile additional Python modules/Django apps. On Ubuntu, run

sudo apt-get install python-dev

to fix this issue, then again try running

pip install psycopg2

from within your project's virtualenv to install psycopg2.

Postgres + Heroku

Heroku requires that you use Postgres as your database. To install Postgres, run

pip install psycopg2

then add psycopg2 and every other Python module and Django app in your virtualenv to requirements.txt with

pip freeze > requirements.txt

You'll now want to add requirements.txt to your git repo, then redeploy with

git add requirements.txt
git commit -m "Updated requirements.txt"
git push heroku master

See Getting Started with Django on Heroku/Cedar with more on deploying to Heroku.

If you run into any other issues, please let us know!