
:rice_scene: Watermarking via ClojureScript

Primary LanguageClojure

Dandy Roll

Current release:

Clojars Project

An improved port of watermark.js, Dandy Roll is a ClojureScript library for watermarking images. It is a small layer on top of the HTML canvas API.

Most people immediately point out how useless watermarking in the browser is:

You can still get the original source of the image by looking at source!

Dandy Roll supports watermarking images from all sorts of sources. It can watermark the following types:

  • Image
  • HTMLImageElement
  • String - that is a url
  • File - that is an uploaded image!

The only sure fire way to safely watermark an image without exposing the original source is to do so via the File type.


Most of the relevant functions needed are inside dandy-roll.core

Watermarking with an image

;; load a url and watermark it
(watermark "/mycat.jpeg"
  (with-image "/logo.png" lower-right)
  (append (.-body js/document)))

;; load an image from a file input, watermark it, and upload it
(def files (array-seq (.-files my-input)))

(defn upload [blob] ,,,)

(watermark (first files)
  (with-image "/logo.png" upper-left)
  (to-blob upload))

;; watermark an image with lots of credit due
(watermark "/mycat.jpeg"
  (with-image "/logo1.png" lower-right)
  (with-image "/logo2.png" lower-left)
  (with-image "/logo3.png" upper-left)
  (with-image "/logo4.png" upper-right)
  (with-image "/logo5.png" center)
  (append (.-body js/document)))

;; add alpha transparency
(watermark "/mycat.jpeg"
  (with-image "/logo.png" (lower-right { :alpha 0.4 }))
  (to-blob upload))

Watermarking with text

Sometimes it's just fun and cool to write text on an image.

(watermark "lolcat.jpeg"
  (with-text "I CAN HAZ" 32 "Impact" "#fff" center-top)
  (with-text "CAT MEMEZ?" 32 "Impact" "#fff" center-bottom)
  (append some-element))

Keep in mind, any font families used with text need to be loaded or they will not be applied correctly.


I started out using PhantomJS for automated tests, but it seems to be lacking in the Blob department and ES6 department. Seeing how this library is small and very visual, I opted for the amazing Devcards library by Bruce Hauman. It offers a hot reloaded test environment that doubles down as documentation and tests via cljs.test

To run the tests during development just run lein figwheel devcards-test and hit localhost:3449/tests.html

To run them right now head to the standalone devcard deployment on GitHub pages. Run tests for a namespace by clicking on that namespace's link.


Devcards is my documentation tool as well. The core test not only tests the core API, but provides documentation for it as well.


  • Support Node.js targets