
Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

LinkedIn Profile Insight Tool

Creator: Muratcan Koylan Profile Link


The LinkedIn Profile Insight Tool is designed to leverage advanced AI models, such as Cohere Command R+, to provide detailed analysis and insights into LinkedIn profiles. This tool extracts data from LinkedIn profiles and posts, offering users a comprehensive look at professional behaviors, trends, and potential growth areas.


  • User Detail Extraction: Retrieves detailed information from LinkedIn profiles, such as roles, experiences, and recent activities.
  • Post Analysis: Analyzes LinkedIn posts to determine engagement levels, areas of expertise, and prevalent topics.
  • Professional Insights: Generates insights into a user's professional interests and industry influence.
  • Engagement Metrics: Assesses the impact of LinkedIn activities through engagement metrics like likes, comments, and shares.


  1. Data Retrieval: The tool fetches user details and posts from LinkedIn.
  2. Data Analysis: Applies AI models to analyze the data.
  3. Report Generation: Outputs a structured report detailing insights and recommendations for professional development.


Ensure you have valid API keys for LinkedIn and OpenRouter's AI services. Insert these keys where indicated in the code.


  1. Open linkedin_profile_insight.ipynb in Google Colab.
  2. Input your API keys where indicated.
  3. Execute the notebook cells sequentially.
  4. Enter the LinkedIn profile URL when prompted.
  5. Review the comprehensive report generated by the tool.

Security and Compliance

  • API Key Security: Store your API keys securely to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Data Privacy: Adhere to relevant data protection laws, such as GDPR, when handling personal data.


This tool is intended for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional career advice. Always respect privacy and use judgment when analyzing LinkedIn profiles.


This project is open-sourced under the MIT License which allows for free use and modification with proper attribution.


Contributions are welcome! Enhance functionality, address bugs, or suggest improvements by:

  • Submitting Pull Requests: Contribute directly to code enhancements or fixes.
  • Reporting Issues: Provide feedback and suggest new features or enhancements.


For further information, collaboration, or inquiries, you can reach me directly on LinkedIn:

Additional Resources

We can use this tool to enhance our agentic workflows, let me know if you want to collaborate.