
Playground full-stack app for experimenting with Ethereum smart contracts and dApp development

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple Ethereum dApp

A full-stack application for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain via smart contracts.

Components and Architecture

Smart Contracts

  1. A contract for creating and updating a message on the Ethereum blockchain
  2. A contract for minting tokens, which allows the owner of the contract to send tokens to others and to read the token balances, and lets owners of the new tokens also send them to others

User-Facing Application

1.Read the greeting from the contract deployed to the blockchain 1.Update the greeting 1.Send the newly minted tokens from their address to another address

  1. Once someone has received tokens, allow them to also send their tokens to someone else
  2. Read the token balance from the contract deployed to the blockchain


The easiest way to test this is to use a test ETH network: this project is configured to work with Ropsten. You will also need an Infura project ID to interface with the ETH blockchain.

  1. Create an account with Infura.io if you don't already have one
  2. Create an API project on the Ethereum network
  3. Under "Keys" copy your project ID and put in your .env file under the INFURA_PROJECT_ID variable
  4. Add your wallet address to the "Allowlist Etherum Addresses"
  5. Update the WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable with your wallet's key (the same one used in the last step)
  6. Run npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network ropsten to deploy your smart contract. Take note of the contract address and save it to the REACT_APP_GREETER_CONTRACT_ADDRESS environment variable.

You should now be able to see your smart contract on the Etherscan Ropsten Testnet Explorer by searching for the contract address.

Run yarn start to interact with the contract from the React application.

Originally based on The Complete Guide to Full Stack Ethereum Development tutorial by Nader Dabit.