LAB 16

Project: Serverless

Author: Brian Tarte

Collaborator(s): Brendon Hampton

Links and Resources: Vercel Link

Feature Tasks and Requirements

  • Sign up with Vercel.
  • Create a repository on Github and link it to Vercel account.
  • Use requests library to interact with REST Countries API
  • Create a serverless function following Vercel’s get-started directions that handles two kinds of queries:
  • The serverless function should handle a GET http request with a given country name that responds with a string with the form The capital of X is Y
  • E.g./capital-finder?country=Chile should generate an http response of The capital of Chile is Santiago.
  • [] The serverless function should handle a GET http request with a given capital that responds with a string with the form The capital of X is Y
  • [] E.g./capital-finder?capital=Santiago should generate an http response of Santiago is the capital of Chile.


Initialize application:

  • Local: vercel dev (in terminal, gives you local development environment)
  • After localhost:3000/ link is generated, must add api/app?name='insert name of any country here'