see Game of Thrones Wikipedia and The Inspiration
This provides a platform for a Game of Thrones fantasy league.
React/Redux + Node/Express + Sequelize/MySQL
- In the root directory:
touch .env
- Copy and paste the following into your .env:
NODE_ENV=development PORT=8000 DB_URL=http://localhost:2391 DB_NAME=got DB_USER=root DB_PORT=2391
npm install
npm install -g babel-cli
- Check to make sure you have a database called 'got' in mysql:
- In your terminal:
mysql -u root
- Then (you should now be in the mysql cli):
show databases;
- If you have 'got', you're fine.
- Else,
create database got;
- You can now exit mysql
- In your terminal:
- In one terminal window:
npm start
- In another terminal window:
npm run db
- In another terminal window:
npm run watch
- In another terminal window:
npm run dev
Dev server should now serve files from http://localhost:4000. React components should be auto-updated, without need of browser refresh. Regular server will serve files from http://localhost:8000! We are using it currently as an endpoint which our dev server pings to grab data. The database has its own server, which should be operating on port 2391.
Go to webpack.config.js and change NODE_ENV to JSON.stringify('development')