
  1. Download
  2. All modules used in this script are standard except the following modules. Ensure that you have the following modules installed.
  1. Change the webscrapeFolder variable to your own workspace


  1. CSV file
  2. File geodatabase (depending on option selected)


  • If user chooses option to geocode the results, the geocoder only allows X items per month before the service is deactivated. I believe the service cuts off at 10,000 items.
  • If user chooses to not geocode results, the program can be ran without limit.
  • I apologize for the seemingly repetative functions, but I used them to guide the user through the program.
  • The program is designed to walk the user through the process. See below...

Interface Example

  • Search for all Starbucks Coffee in the state of VA without geocoding.
  • Output - A single CSV of all Starbucks Coffee locations

Started: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 11:43:52 AM Processing

Yellow Pages Geocoder

This application is designed to:

  • Scrape the YellowPages website given specific search criteria
  • Export results to a CSV file
  • Geocodes the CSV file resulting in a point feature class

What are you looking for? Keyword: Starbucks Coffee

Choose location of interest...

  • Type 2 letter state abbreviation to return all entries within that state.


  • Type NATIONAL if you want all entries across the entire nation.


  • All other entries will be treated as a custom search. Example: Newport News, VA

Location: VA Geocode Results? (Yes or No): n

Ended: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 11:46:01 AM

Elapsed Time: 0:02:09 Press 'Enter' to exit program