
Easy Logging Solution for GameMaker

Primary LanguageGame Maker LanguageThe UnlicenseUnlicense


easy logging for GameMaker projects

Features 🌟

  • Plug and Play (will not interfere with existing log systems)
  • Time-formatted logging both inside of GameMaker and to files
  • Highlight any given log output
  • Infinite number of simultaneous individual log files as desired
  • Supports the conversion of data types as expected with show_debug_message()
  • Highly customizable

Setup 🛠️

  1. Import the current release package from the Releases Tab into your project.
  2. You're ready to log anything!

Logging 📝

The easy log script is set up in an object-oriented style, meaning that you can create new instances of logs anytime.

Basic Usage 🐣

In it's most basic use-case, you can create a globally accessible instance of goodLog by typing:

global.myLog = new goodLog();

Now, any time you want to log something:

global.myLog.log("This is my first log!");

By default, this will be output into your GameMaker console as well as to a file called log.txt in your game's user directory. The expected output would look something like:

[05/24/2022 10:27:03] This is my first log!

You can also highlight any log by giving it a title! As an example, a modification to our initial log could look like:

global.myLog.log("This is my first log!", "First Log!");

and would output:

--------------------First Log!--------------------
[05/24/2022 10:30:05] This is my first log!

Advanced Usage 👩‍🎓

As shown in the previous section, you can create instances of goodLog - as many as you want, in fact! We can use this to do some awesome things - like write out to individual files for separate instances, name each individual log, and customize highlighted output.

Let's say we have two objects - in both object's Create Event's we'll create a new goodLog instance called "myLog".

Note: new goodLog accepts two arguments: new goodLog([log file, default "log.txt"], [output, default True to write out to a file]);

Object 1:

myLog = new goodLog("obj1.txt");
myLog.log("Hello World!");

Object 2:

 myLog = new goodLog("obj2.txt");
 myLog.log("Hello World, again!");

Now both of these objects write to their defined output text file (as well as the GM console) without overlapping each other. We can actually disable logging to a file when creating our new goodLog instance by using the arguments it accepts:

myLog = new goodLog("", false);

You can also write to the same log that another instance of goodLog is using without any issue (for example, both writing to "obj1.txt") - but you may want to set the title of the goodLog instance!

goodLog Configuration Properties 🌟

To set the title of the log, you'd do something like this:

myLog = new goodLog("log1.txt");
myLog.config.logTitle = "Specific Title";
myLog.log("This is my first log!");

Which would prepend the title to any log line using this instance of goodLog like:

[05/24/2022 10:27:03] Specific Title: This is my first log!

You can adjust the title of any goodLog instance by changing [goodLog Instance].config.logTitle at any time.

But there are more properties to explore that can be controlled per goodLog instance! Each of these can be accessed and modified by typing [goodLog Instance].config.[property name]

Property Default What does it do?
logTitle none defines the name of the log within the entry
toFile true defines whether or not to output to a file
outputFile "log.txt" defines the file to log to (also set during instance creation)
silent false if set to true, will disable output to the GM console
inGameLog false if set to true, will save log output to the [goodLog Instance].logged array for your use in-game
sepChar "-" the character to use in separating highlighted messages from regular ones
sepLength 50 the number of sepChar's used to border highlighted messages
nlChar "\n" the character to denote new lines

As mentioned in the table, you can save logs in-game by turning on [goodLog Instance].config.inGameLog = true; this will write all entries to that instance (while inGameLog is set to true) to an array, accessible with [goodLog Instance].logged

Contributing 🤝

If there are contributions you'd like to make to this project - open a pull request here!

Potential Improvements you could work on:

  • Easily customizable date formatting, i.e. [goodLog Instance].config.timeFormat = "DD/MM/YY HH:mm:SS
  • ???