
[UNOFFICIAL] Everything you need to run the Elastic stack on VKE using ECK

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Elastic Stack on Vultr (unofficial)

This repository has everything you need to run the Elastic stack on VKE using ECK.


  1. Setup VKE
  2. Setup ECK
  3. Download your config, and copy it to ~/.kube/config
  4. Deploy Elasticsearch: kubectl create -f elasticsearch.yaml
  5. Deploy Kibana: kubectl create -f kibana.yaml
  6. Wait for everything to be deployed successfully before moving forward. Check progress with kubectl get pods -w
  7. Modify the load balancer configurations as needed then deploy them if desired. This is completely optional.

To access Kibana, simply execute the following command and visit : kubectl port-forward svc/kibana-kb-http 5601

You can find the password for the elastic user using this command: kubectl get secret elasticsearch-es-elastic-user -o=jsonpath='{.data.elastic}' | base64 --decode; echo


This is not an official Vultr repository nor is it affiliated with them in any other way.

I am (at time of writing) an employee of Vultr, but this is a personal project.