

This command line tool takes two files and a third optional concern as arguments.

Example Usage:

yt_data_checker [file1.csv] [file2.csv] [concern]
* concern is optional


  • files: Required. The two sets of data are provided below
  • concerns: Optional subscriber_count or channel_ownership


  • Output a list of account emails with a discrepancy, line delimited
  • If a concern is provided, only output discrepancies related to that data
  • If no concern is provided, output all the unique discrepancies


example url and json:

http://localhost:3000/price {"zipcode": 94133, "bedroom_count": 2}

http://localhost:3000/booking_rate {"zipcode": 94133} since booking rate is independent of bedroom_count, bedroom_count is not needed

http://localhost:3000/earnings {"start_date": "2015-01-01", "end_date": "2015-01-02","zipcode": 94133, "bedroom_count": 2}


Input: Given an array of integers

Output: In whatever representation you wish, output each integer in the array and all the other integers in the array that are factors of the first integer.


Given an array of [10, 5, 2, 20], the output would be:

{10: [5, 2], 5: [], 2: [], 20: [10,5,2]}


A line of credit rails app. It should work like this:

  • Have a built in APR and credit limit
  • Be able to draw ( take out money ) and make payments.
  • Keep track of principal balance and interest on the line of credit
  • APR Calculation based on the outstanding principal balance over real number of days.
  • Interest is not compounded, so it is only charged on outstanding principal.
  • Keep track of transactions such as payments and draws on the line and when they occured.
  • 30 day payment periods. Basically what this means is that interest will not be charged until the closing of a 30 day payment period. However, when it is charged, it should still be based on the principal balance over actual number of days outstanding during the period, not just ending principal balance.


Convert this string string = "{key:[[value1, value2],[value3, value4]], 5:10:00AM]}" to this hash: h = {"key" => [["value1", "value2"],["value3", "value4"]], 5=>"10:00AM"} then convert h to JSON. Please note that the brackets are unbalanced on purpose.


Write a class Sample whose initialize method takes an arbitrary hash, e.g. h = {"this" => [1,2,3,4,5,6], "that" => ['here', 'there', 'everywhere'], :other => 'here'} and represent each key in the hash as an attribute of an instance of the class, such that I can say: c = Sample.new(h) and then c.this should return [1,2,3,4,5,6] c.that should return ['here', 'there', 'everywhere'] c.other should return ’here’