
The objective, investigate factors affecting borrower rate and loan amount.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

# (Dataset Exploration Title)

by (Brian Kinyanjui)


Loan Data from Prosper: This data set contains 113,937 loans with 81 variables on each loan, including loan amount, borrower rate (or interest rate), current loan status, borrower income, and many others. See this data dictionary to understand the dataset's variables.

Summary of Findings

The higher the Loan amount the lower the Borrowers' APR range.

A borrower's employment status determine their original loan amounts given.

Stating your employment status as 'Other' reduces your chances of getting a large loan amount.

BorrowerAPR is not affected by term of the loan.

Largest percentage of issued out loan go to refinancing of loans.

Key Insights for Presentation

The presentation, focus was on the trends relating to issuance of loans.

The variables that aided this analysis, are:

  • StatedMonthlyIncome
  • EmploymentStatus
  • Loan Original Amount
  • IsBorrowerHomeowner
  • IncomeRange
  • Borrower APR

Will have effects on the way Loans are issued out by Prosper.