- What is the JVM?
- Define code compilation?
- What is a constuctor?
- What is the naming convention of variables in java?
- What is an annotation and give an example.
- What is the difference betwee '==' and equals() when comparing Strings?
- What are the 8 primitive types in Java?
- What is the difference between primitives and wrapper classes and when can we use each?
- Define Encapsulation and outline its benefits.
- What is the naming convention for JUnit test methods?
- When we compile our code, where do the compiled .class files live?
- Why is Behavior-Driven Development beneficial?
- What is the difference between an Array and an ArrayList? When do you use one over the other?
- What is a stacktrace? What does it do for us?
- Why is it best practice to declare attributes of a custom class private?
- When would we use char? What is its corresponding wrapper class?
- Do objects get passed by reference or value in Java? Elaborate on that.
- Explain the four OOP principles.
- What is the difference between Abstract classes and Interfaces?
- Is it possible to implement multiple inheritance in Java?
- What is serialization? How do you implement it?
- What are anonymous classes?
- What does it means to say that a String is immutable?
- What is the difference between method overloading and method overriding?
- What are the access modifiers you know? What does each one do?
- Do objects get passed by reference or value in Java? Elaborate on that.
- What the difference between local, instance and class variables?
- What is Dependency Injection?
- What does the static word mean in Java? Can a static method be overridden in Java?
- When is a static block run?
- What is reflection?
- How does the try{} catch{} finally{}
- What is garbage collection? How does it work?
- What is memory leak and how does Java handle it?
- What does the keyword synchronized mean?
- Explain Generics in Java
- What is the difference between a GET and POST request?
- What is a URI?
- Differenciate between a client and host.
- What is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS?
- Point out these components(query, host, port, protocol, path ) in the following URL
- What is an Internet Protocol?
- What are the four main components of an Android Application?
- What is the purpose of a package name?
- What is the purpose of Android Virtual Device?