- 2
declaration of 'MLKTextRecognizedLanguage' must be imported from module 'MLKitTextRecognitionCommon.MLKTextRecognizedLanguage' before it is required
#30 opened by flutterTamauze - 1
- 1
run example; google_ml_vision_example depends on e2e >=0.2.0+1 which doesn't support null safety
#36 opened by davehorner - 0
More platforms
#34 opened by agreensh - 0
Cases where it doesn't work
#33 opened by Lawati97 - 0
The ML kit not working in Android 12
#32 opened by sidfluidra - 1
Confidence is null of TextRecognizer
#27 opened by Lelelo1 - 2
- 3
[BUG] Example not working on iOS
#23 opened - 0
Bug in code
#28 opened by Lawati97 - 0
Error when compiling IOS
#29 opened by Lawati97 - 1
Image stream
#25 opened by Lelelo1 - 0
Not able to detect text in Arabic language
#26 opened by bharat8 - 0
How are bounding boxes interpreted?
#24 opened by skiunke - 0
Face detection: face and landmark drawing incorrectly with Front camera on Android devices
#22 opened by ngtrphuong - 8
ML Vision dependencies
#9 opened by shliama - 2
- 15
Conflicting with new firebase packages "CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "GoogleDataTransport"
#12 opened by usestrive - 1
Build error on Android
#20 opened by ashkryab-fl - 2
Returning detected Text from Image
#21 opened by Patrick-Vogt - 9
No text detected with a physical Android device
#17 opened by cswkim - 5
- 1
- 4
Face detection for iOS not working
#15 opened by CoderJava - 5
ALL_FACE contour positions wrong on iOS
#14 opened by shliama - 4
Thank you for this!
#7 opened by acoutts - 3
Why ALL_POINTS face contour isn't included?
#11 opened by shliama - 2
Potential performance enhancements?
#10 opened by cswkim - 0
Bump version on
#6 opened by nirbar89 - 3
CameraPreviewScanner different results iOS
#5 opened by thegenet - 2
picture face detect failed
#3 opened by a1252425 - 3
null safety
#1 opened by nirbar89