By Brian Neville
This is an image resizing tool that I wrote.
The function 'Resize' takes in the filename of a png image, and will create a version of that file with the name 'resized_<filename>.png' and a resolution of twice the original.
created on: go version go1.12.9 windows/amd64
To use this, place the folder called 'resize' in the directory %GOROOT/src (e.g. the c:/go/src directory)
import using:
resize images with the function:
Note: this function currently only works on .png files
scaling flat colors
scaling real images
scaling png images with complex borders
lenna (standard test image)
step by step progression
After every call to imgRGBA.Set(), I encoded the image as a new .png file. I then wrote a small python script to convert them all into into a gif: