
A Podcasting 2.0 GUID to RSS feed URL resolver with distributed databases

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Podcasting 2.0 GUID to RSS feed URL resolver with distributed databases.


Docker Build

Running with Docker (and scissors)


Get yourself a fresh new machine with Docker already installed and working.

git clone https://github.com/brianoflondon/guid-slurp.git
cd guid-slurp

Traefik On The Internet

Now you need to edit the .env.sample file and rename it .env.

Then run this if you wish to have a fully public API resolver (involving Traefik):

docker compose up --build -d

You can execute all these with this one command:

git clone https://github.com/brianoflondon/guid-slurp.git && cd guid-slurp && docker-compose up --build -d

Local Only

Alternatively for a local version only that doesn't run the reverse proxy. The API will be available on the machine you're running this from at the port specified in the .env file:


If you want direct access to the MongoDB you can specify an IP and Port (or just a port). Instructions in the .env.sample file.

docker compose -f docker-compose-no-traefik.yaml up --build -d

If my calculations are correct, when you hit 88 MPH... oh, wait, no.

If everything is working properly, you can watch progress of startup with this:

docker compose logs -f | grep -v "mongodb-gs"

On first launch it will have to download the 1.4GB Database and then convert that into a smaller database.

Various steps will be shown in the logs. In addition the reverse proxy Traefik will start up and try to sort out SSL certs. The next version of these docs will hopefully have more info on this.

When all is settled down you should see something like this:

guid-slurp-start    | 🟢Created collection of duplicatesGuidUrl
guid-slurp-start    | Finished database finalisation: 897.155 s

The API front end will then be available on http://your_machine_ip:7777/docs and on the internet depending on the settings you put in the .env file.

Logs and stuff

To see the containers you have running use this:

docker ps

You should see something like this:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                                                    NAMES
e5452edacfd9   guid-slurp-api       "gunicorn guid_slurp…"   4 minutes ago   Up 4 minutes>80/tcp, :::7777->80/tcp                    guid-slurp-api
8d8d56b957e7   mongo:latest         "docker-entrypoint.s…"   4 minutes ago   Up 4 minutes>27017/tcp,>27017/tcp   guid-slurp-mongodb
36029929726a   guid-slurp-startup   "python guid_slurp/s…"   4 minutes ago   Up 4 minutes                                                            guid-slurp-start

To inspect logs from any of these use:

docker logs guid-slurp-startup -f

The startup script will run and then disappear. The others should remain running and will restart if the machine reboots.

I haven't written an automated way of updating the database every week... stay tuned!

Server Specifications

I'd suggest 2GB of RAM is a minimum but having said that, I have managed to run this on a 1GB box, though the startup will take a few minutes.


I've removed this stage of using the staging certificate.