
A Covid-19 monitor (web app) for African countries.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Providing realtime, accurate but free and OSS data for Current cases and more stuff about COVID-19 in Africa.


After searching and failing to find a Covid-19 monitor mainly focused on African Countries. I decided to make one with a focus on the African continent.

Currently its provides information on

  1. Active Cases
  2. All reported cases
  3. Critical cases
  4. Total number of deaths 😢
  5. Cases Recovered 👌🏿
  6. Cases Today
  7. Deaths Today

Tools and Technologies.


  1. Vanilla JS
  2. HTML
  3. Bootstrap CSS

This code in available in the root folder of the project. This service is deployed Netlify


  1. Python
  2. Flask

This code in available in the functions directory of the project This service is deployed on GCP using Cloud Run

Deployed within the same directory is a Dockerfile to the project that you can use to set up then change the URL configuration in the index.js file.


In addition to the website itself, I also built a JSON API to allow for programmatic access to this same exact data. The API is currently available on

For the aggregated metrics


For all the values, by country.



Following the resources, data and services provided by this NovelCovid project. You can check it out if you need to pull off something similar.